Screen Tones Podcast



1 November, 2023 12:00 PM

Writing interesting characters is something we all aspire to in our webcomics. It’s the best feeling when people relate with our characters or find them compelling. But how do we use the narrative and the visual elements of our characters to make them multi-faceted? How do we keep them from falling flat?

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Tags: season 2, Delphina, Thane, Renie, characterization, character design, writing

Power Levels

18 October, 2023 12:00 AM

This episode of Screen Tones is OVER 9000!!! This episode of Screen Tones is all about controlling your power - your speed and level of detail to make comic pages at the speed you want to make them! Listen along as the gang talks about tips and tricks about preserving your energy for MAXIMUM IMPACT on those knockout pages!

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Tags: season 2, power levels, process, Varethane, Renie, Delphina

Purity Culture and Webcomics

4 October, 2023 12:00 AM

Today we're going to be talking about a social direction that can be equal parts intimidating and confusing for people posting their comics around the internet.

Now, we’re all doing our best to be respectful of different groups out there. It is never okay to be a phobic jerk, and there’s all kinds of resources out there for making sure you’re not doing something harmful that you do not intend. But there’s also a lot of challenging topics out there that you might want to talk about in your webcomic, and a lot of reasons people might get mad about the fact that you’re addressing them. There’s a lot of nuance and we probably won’t be able to handle all of it, but we’re going to address that fear of backlash that we’re loosely calling “purity culture” in this context.

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Tags: season 2, Delphina, Phin, Rae, Krispy, social media, purity culture


20 September, 2023 12:00 AM

A comic isn’t complete until the lettering is done! Today we're going to be talking about lettering - putting the words on the art of your comic panels, and tips and tricks to keep everything readable.

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Tags: season 2, lettering, krispy, delphina, claire

Romance (with Meg and Alli!)

6 September, 2023 12:00 AM

Ever wondered about the allure of romance? The potential of a fiery relationship between strangers? The highs and lows, the exciting and the enticing? Well you’re in for a treat because we’re going to be discussing Romance as a genre and tool in webcomics.

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Tags: season 2, romance, Renie, Miranda, guest speaker, Meg Syverud, Alli Shaw

Death of Twitter

23 August, 2023 12:00 AM

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to mourn and/or celebrate the death of website formerly known as Twitter. Delphie and Krispy discuss the ups and downs of the social media landscape and the impact of Twitter on webcomic creators' lives and growth, as well as their thoughts on where we all go from here.

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Tags: season 2, delphina, krispy, twitter, social media

Watercolors and Webcomics!

9 August, 2023 12:00 AM

Today we're going to be talking about using watercolour as a medium, its strengths for comics and illustrations, and our personal recommendations.

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Tags: season 2, varethane, rae, phin

Jam Session! Art Fight!

26 July, 2023 12:00 AM

In today's episode, it's a JAM! Krispy and Delphie discuss their love for art communities, specifically ArtFight!

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Tags: season 2, art fight, jam, jam sessions, jam session, jam episode, communities, Krispy, Delphine

Changing Process Over Time

28 June, 2023 12:00 AM

Webcomics often evolve from a simple idea into a production that spans several years or even decades for some. It is inevitable that aspects of these projects will change as time goes on; often these changes are centered on the processes used to create them. Today we're talking with our hosts and hearing about how their creative processes have changed over time.

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Tags: season 2, process, megan, delphina, rae

Online Stores (with Star!)

14 June, 2023 12:00 AM

There comes a time in every webcomic's life where the creator begins pondering the wonderful world of merchandise. From stickers to books and more, the possibilities are endless and the idea of opening your own shop can be both thrilling and intimidating all at once. But have no fear! Our hosts, along with special guest Star (@starfishface), are here to help and provide their strategies for things like store hosting, what type of items to make, and how to make sure this endeavor is worth your time!

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Tags: season 2, money, stores, sales, megan, delphina, guest speaker, star

Webcomic Outlines

31 May, 2023 12:00 AM

So, you’ve got a cool idea for a comic. You have some characters, maybe some fun designs, maybe some great worldbuilding, and a few cool ideas for scenes that you can’t wait to share with potential readers. But how do you put it all together? What does that process look like? This stage is an amorphous blob that fits whatever shape is needed by the creator, and can look like many different things, so we’re here to talk about it!

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Tags: season 2, outlines, writing, process, drafts, workflow, krispy, delphina, renie, varethane

Managing Expectations

12 May, 2023 12:00 AM

When you first start out in the world of webcomics, you might have ideas about how you want your launch and subsequent updates to go. You might look at the popular webcomics you follow, see their engagement, comments, and even fandoms and think to yourself “I want that too”, only to realize that your expectations don’t quite match what you’re receiving. The results can be disappointment, resentment and burn-out, so today we want to discuss how we manage our own expectations and find healthy ways to cope with setbacks!

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Tags: season 2, management, process, expectations, phin, delphina, varethane, krispy

Aesthetics in Webcomics

3 May, 2023 12:00 AM

What is an aesthetic and how does it differ from style? Well, they’re two separate things. An artist’s style is the way they work; it relates to their equipment and their working processes. Aesthetic is how their art looks -- the vibes and the feel!

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Tags: season 2, aesthetics, style, art, design, renie, krispy, rae

Webcomic Fashion (with Jacki!)

19 April, 2023 12:00 AM

Unless you are writing a webcomic that doesn’t feature humanoid beings, you will have to figure out how to deal with clothing and fashion in your works. How you approach fashion can be dependent on a lot of factors, from the cultures you are trying to portray, to the personalities of your characters, to the time you are willing to put into details. Today we are going to talk about the ins and outs of fashion in webcomic and our own approach.

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Tags: season 2, fashion, design, art, Phin, Meg, guest speaker, Jacki

The Intro "DO IT (feat. Shia LaBeouf)", and the Outro "It's Good To See You Again!!", both by Adrianwave, have been used and modified in good faith under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Licensed. Edits include: Fade IN/OUT, and a repeat added to the beginning of "It's Good To See You Again!!". For more information on this creative commons use, please reference

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