February/March 2025 News

♥️I Love Comics!!♥️
Only a month and some change into the new year and we’ve already had some awesome activities and discussions popping up in the Screen Tones universe! We’ve been busy recording and working on new content and have some awesome stuff in store for you this year! Starting now!
Newsletter - November 2024
No News is Good News
Leaves are falling, Snow is falling, I am falling. It must be FALL! Screen Tones is on hiatus after wrapping up our third season. While we still have a lot of irons in the fires, it's all goodies that you'll have to wait till next year to find out. And don't worry, the Discord is still there to satiate your Screen Tonian needs until we're back on the air.
So we'll keep this months newsletter short and sweet!
From the Askbox: Making comics when you have a full-time job

Q: do you have any advice for aspiring author-artists who already work full time (40 hrs per week) day jobs?
i straight up don’t have time for anything outside of work, taking care of my pets, general housekeeping, feeding myself, and sleep. i’d have to sacrifice time for one of those categories to do anything outside of them. and i frequently do sacrifice that time. usually sleep and housekeeping.
(i am looking for part-time work that would let me bring in the same amount of income per month, but i would have to sacrifice my current health care while im in the middle of trying to address my own medical needs)
Newsletter - September 2024

Falling into Webcomics...
Fall is almost here! And as the weather cools, and the leaves change (at least here in the northern hemisphere), the Screen Tones calendar is filling up with more excitement and activities!