Newsletter - November 2024
No News is Good News
Leaves are falling, Snow is falling, I am falling. It must be FALL! Screen Tones is on hiatus after wrapping up our third season. While we still have a lot of irons in the fires, it's all goodies that you'll have to wait till next year to find out. And don't worry, the Discord is still there to satiate your Screen Tonian needs until we're back on the air.
So we'll keep this months newsletter short and sweet!
- Panel DTIYS have seen some amazing submissions! We did Dominion and Conjuring Cutlasses just finished and now we have Catbeard the Pirate on deck (lol)
- Our last Draw Jam of the year is on Friday and the theme is Magical Girl/Super Sentai!
- Secret Santa Exchange is BACK! Signups are now through the 20th, and assignments will be made on the 21st. Sign up in Discord

Upcoming Events and Announcements for Screen Tones and the Webcomic World!
Screen Tones has physical merch! Support the Podcast and share your love of webcomics in the form of mugs, totes, and shirts!
Get your merch at Hivemill!

PS: Hivemill's Fall Sale is now through the 17th! Get some awesome merch at a 20% discount until then!
Featured Webcomic
November's featured webcomic is:

Spare Keys for Strange Doors
by Lucy Lyall
3 Reasons to Read:
1. Short self-contained arcs
2. Fantastic humor
3. Completed comic!
Your local Specialists are: Toby Hathaway and Marion Sark.
Highly experienced and skilled professionals, experts at handling the uncanny, supernatural and subnatural. Some experience of the natural, but discussion of your exact needs is advisable.
Specialities include visitations, disappearances, compulsions, manifestations, transformations and removal of uninvited guests. We can be diplomatic or more persuasive as the situation requires.
Extensive and varied contacts within the police force, gifted groups, and the non-human community.
Horse, dog, cat and rodent whispering undertaken. However, there is an extensive waiting list. Please note: no chihuahuas.
Pricing is on a case by case basis; please contact us for further details. Your complete confidentiality is assured.
Not available for speculative seances.
Spare Keys for Strange Doors is created by Lucy Lyall.
It updates with a new page every Thursday.
Read now at
PS: We've reached the end of our Featured Webcomic submissions. Do you have a webcomic you love?
Click HERE to submit it to be featured!
Thanks for Reading!
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