Screen Tones Podcast

Work Life Balance (with Chesca!)

11 June, 2024 9:57 PM

Today we’re going to be discussing the delicate balance between our work on comics and our busy lives, and... maybe all of the extra stuff between! Featuring special guest, Chesca, the creator of Litter Box Comics!

Join us as we discuss difficulties and tips around creating balance between your work and home life, with a bonus perspective of being a parent and keeping up a webcomic.

Listen to this episode on YouTube:


Episode Release Date: June 12, 2024

Episode Credits:

Kristen Lee (@feathernotes) - she/they,

Miranda Schwemmer (@mirandacakesart) - she/her,

Guest Host: Chesca Hause (@litterboxcomics) - she/her,


The Intro "DO IT (feat. Shia LaBeouf)", and the Outro "It's Good To See You Again!!", both by Adrianwave, have been used and modified in good faith under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Licensed. Edits include: Fade IN/OUT, and a repeat added to the beginning of "It's Good To See You Again!!". For more information on this creative commons use, please reference


This transcript is auto generated by our recording software.



Time for recording all right hello and welcome to screen tones where we talk anything and everything web comics. So today. We're going to be discussing the delicate balance between our work on comics. Our projects on the side and our super busy lives. How does. All happen. How does it all come together and you know maybe some extra stuff in between a little bit of an exciting episode today. We have a guest. My name is crispy I use the pronouns she they and I make the comics litter blight and ghost junk sickness.



And I'm Miranda. I use she her pronouns and I make the web comic into the swell.



So hi there I'm Chesca Hause I do ah ah oh she her and I do Litter Box Comics.

00:48.88 Krispy

So super super duper excited to have cheska onboard Thank you so much for joining us. Um, anytime. It's comics. It's just like yes yes more conversation on this and this was a really cool um idea to do a. Podcast episode about ah because chesca has a wonderful family ah that she has to balance with the comics that she creates as well as miranda being a new mother and has her own little family while she has her journey on web comics. So we're going to jump right in. And I'm going to ask some questions for our members and I'm going to start with um Cheska I have some questions for you and my first question is going to be what are some difficulties you face with balancing comics and real life.



I mean I don't know if there is a balance really It's not so much about balance that's about figuring out figuring out which balls you can drop that week um for me, it's normally a make keeping the house clean is normally the weather gets like I'll leave that for later I got saying that's the day. But yeah there' I don't know balances I felt that you could maybe reach a balance for like a little bit but oh I don't know if you could maintain that long term I've figured that out over my years of attempting it. Um.



So when you make comics and and need to balance the life and stuff like that like what's ah something you said that you drop like you know things like cleaning the house is going to be like ok that's that's another task and stuff like that.

02:29.90 Chesca So.



Um, how do you get like into comics like get that mindset be like okay but today is a comic day or something. Oh yeah.



I mean it helps the kids are at school that helps a lot. So so you know I think they were both. They were both sort of in daycare when I started I don't know if I would would have been able to start if they were both here all the time. Um, so you're just having a little bit time to.

02:51.22 Krispy He.



Quiet time. Um I can kind of get into the mood I mean it helps that my comics are related to the kids and my life so that even if I'm in the thick of it doing you know mum stuff you know, something's happening I'm writing it down and I'm like oh that's a good idea I'll do something with that. So I keep like a running list on my phone of just.

03:01.53 Krispy Yes.

03:10.41 Krispy Who.



All these seeds of ideas. Um and there then when I get a moment I kind of sit down and try and expand on them and see if see if I can push them like to be funnier or add a cat joke to it or yeah.



Yeah I like that it feeds into that. That's really unique and and you know it's It's helpful. You're like man I'm having an absolute stressful moment but this would be great in a comic. Ah.



Yeah, write what you know.

03:42.72 Chesca

Yeah, really. Ah.



Yeah, ah, ah Miranda I'm going to ask you the same question. Um, and it's interesting because of the works that you do aren't necessarily like ah totally related to that. So how do you What are the difficulties that you're facing balancing comics and you know your new little. Little guy to the team.

04:03.34 Miranda

So well. Um I think for me, it's It's more just getting the the time and the headspace I I will say I'm super excited for when he goes to school. It doesn't need a speed up I don't need a rush to that but the free time will be glorious.

04:12.40 Krispy Yes.



Um, but ah, besides having time just being in the right head space. Um like there never seems to be enough time and comics are they're a hobby for me. So I'm I'm working a full time job and trying to figure out this parenting thing So my time like.

04:21.82 Chesca Ah.



The the the comics just aren't a priority so they tend to be the first thing dropped when other things come up right now. Um, and additionally being in the right head space. Um like especially the like he's only six months so I've had six months to work at this I'm a pro.

04:43.70 Krispy Um.

04:56.40 Krispy And e.



Yeah I know everything about parents I can't even say that it's straight face. Um, but it's it's exhausting and ah creating like it. It's they don't comics. Don't just happen like I have to be in the right Creative Headspace I have to be ah like. Ready to draw ready to write things out. Um and it's been really hard to find that like turn that mode on lately. Um, so I'm still trying to figure out how to.

05:25.60 Krispy Oh.



Do it and I think I'm also at a weird point because I wrapped up my last comic. So now I'm in the process of writing a new one. So I don't have any like external motivation of like posting schedule to keep up keep up with or anything like that. So it's even more on the back burner because there's like.

05:46.73 Krispy Um.



There's nothing like encouraging that besides I want to but I don't I haven't been able to like put that at the forefront. So yeah, those are the big, the big difficulties I face and I'm sure there will be many more down the line. But.

05:58.50 Krispy

Yeah, so like.



It's as super rough where you are as well that six months it's ah it's hard to I don't know I found what when I became a mom I kind of had this new.

06:12.80 Miranda Ah, yeah.



Mom Persona I don't know it was just all encompassing and I felt like I'd lost myself a little bit I was really worried about it. But then you find as they get older and they need you less and they're sleeping That's that.

06:24.38 Miranda Um, yes.

06:30.10 Miranda The sleep.



You come back again and there's still the new mom you as well. It's like they kind of start the 2 personalities overlap and it's like oh you get the old you and the new you and it's really weird. But yeah, it get it gets easier.



Yeah I Thank you? Thank you for that hope. But I definitely get that I I feel like I'm a new a new person and I have to figure out how to balance everything all with this new. Huge.

06:55.83 Krispy Mm.



Role that I have but I'm glad I'm glad there's hope that it gets easier. Ah.



Definitely and and it's interesting because Cheska and and Miranda you both have 2 different perspectives. They kind of go into one with the overall experience. Um, but with Cheska having like.

07:04.57 Chesca For sure.



Comics at this professional level needing that obligation to do that like how how do you balance? you know, having the social presence and you know creating the comic on a specific schedule and stuff like that like you know is there leeway given to you. Um, when you create or.



That's yeah, it's rough I used to do like 3 comics every two weeks so um and but I just I couldn't keep off I was just like as soon as you'd finished 1 is like okay now another one but then you know I had to drop down to like once a week and even that that I've can.

07:38.59 Krispy Oh wow.



Always keep up with these days I just and then but then I sort of Miss a week I Just I've got enough at least now that I can post reposts so people don't notice so much I don't know maybe they do but but people people being very nice about it. My patrons are all lovely whenever i' like old guys like I cut.

08:00.13 Krispy Um.



Do one the way when they're all like don't worry, you're fine. You know kids come first and so thank you? So yeah, that definitely helps keep the the stress down. Um, but yeah, it's it's hard because yeah I think I have a week free So sort of like okay I'm gonna do a comic but then a kid gets sick and then the weeks just.

08:12.81 Krispy He.

08:26.43 Krispy

Oh yep, yep.



Ah, enough in smoke and you know like oh my god.



They they know they know when something is important or like on a schedule and they plan their new things or their extra long naps that they never do or anything around interrupting those activities that you have planned.

08:36.91 Krispy


08:42.79 Krispy This.

08:43.12 Chesca And.

08:48.98 Chesca So.



I Don't know how they do it but they know that.



And it's interesting. Um, because I think like having episodes like this and and talking about your experiences with like you know balancing these things. Um, you know, kind of in this this creative outlet that we have professional hobbyist and whatnot. Is is important I think it's important for people to be like Wow like you know, ah there will be days where people Miss updates and I mean that's absolutely ok because life is absolutely busy and you know unpredictable. So you know hearing that you have people that will support you throughout this whole thing that that is great I like that you have that support that understands that life is unpredictable and and you know they they are here for your comics. They are here to support that so you know do you think that that helps with kind of. Settling into being a comic creator with such a busy life too and.



Ah, yes, right? It's nice. It's nice having that social net of knowing that you know, no one's going to sort of get too mad if you miss I It's funny because you sort of think oh God I missed it. They're gonna notice. But when you think about it if everyone's living their own lives. They probably know they're not like.

10:04.99 Krispy Me.



Waiting for this thing to pop up What probably not so you sort of think that's probably right as that just you know when you come back, They're like oh yeah, yeah, you I've missed you and it's like oh they didn't really it' okay I mean the algorithm is where it could take a hit where you kind of that's where you're like you know, not the.

10:23.95 Krispy Ah, yes.



People are lovely about it. The algorithm not so much so that's the slight danger. But then I mean Instagram seem to be the worst with that and Instagram just hates me now. Anyways I don't know what's how the algorithm just ah literally I've been at the same spot I think.

10:33.56 Krispy Yep.

10:41.48 Krispy Ah.



Four hundred and thirty five or thirty four thousand followers for about 2 years I think just I'll go up and I'll go down I'll go up I'll have a month where I'll like gain and then a month where I'll lose them all. It's just it's happening to a lot of people at the moment. It's ah.

10:53.81 Krispy Oh wow.

11:05.14 Krispy Yep.



Really weird just you just stagnating but it's quite a relief because now I don't care so much of about posting constantly to Instagram so I'm like as fine like Twitter's a bit more you know Twitter is more about the timing. So it's not so much about the algorithm and Facebook is doing better.

11:17.34 Krispy M.



At the moment. So yeah, it's that's that's been helpful. It's been a relief.



Yeah, it's it's really interesting to kind of reflect on see what the social platforms demand of us and kind of um I guess warp our perspective our perceptions of you know oh man they are going to notice and stuff like that. But that's that's good. It's comforting to. Know that it's like the people are here for you at the algorithms. They're not our friends but the people who really want to see us ah create are going to be able to stick through and stuff like that and that's just that's just good to know. So. I'm going to continue with this because I love this this discussion this is a really good episode I'm going to ask? Ah, both of you I'm going to come after Miranda first with this one. What are some tips. You have for maintaining like this balance I know it's ah it's a difficult balance but you know what? what have you learned picked up during this entire new shift in life.



And it's definitely about prioritizing um like Chessica said it's figuring out what you can drop um to give you some extra time because there never seems to be enough of it. But ah I.

12:38.53 Krispy This.



I Also feel that if you want to do something you will find the time to do it. Um, obviously there's things like I have a full time job I have a family those require a set amount of dedicated time during the day. Um, oh my gosh? Sorry um.

12:56.24 Krispy Um.



Okay, fine cut that out editors. But um, but the the comic is fit in the extra time but I do manage to get like an hour or two a da hou hour or two a da hou hour that is just free time is to myself and ah. Know if I wanted to I could make that comic time no matter how tired I am no matter what else is happening um and like that it's definitely just getting yourself by prioritizing that if that's what you want to do I will get there I will.


Krispy Um.

13:37.64 Krispy Um.



I will get there to putting comics first again? Um, but um, if you're motivated and like if you're someone that's like ok if if this event happens then I'll take some time to comic where like x is a lull in.

13:40.42 Chesca Nice.

13:40.51 Krispy Yeah.



Whatever regularly happens or the the weather like oh it's raining I'm going to make that a comic day anytime it rains. Maybe that's what you have to do to put it forward I Ah also think it's really helpful to have different stages of your comic to work on because sometimes.

14:04.17 Krispy M.



You can script and you can't draw like you might be out and about and be able to write some notes on a script rather than have your drawing gear and draw things or you can thumbnail because those are quick and easy. Um, rather than having to sit down and. Do line art which is the bane of my existence. Not really, it's not that bad, but it's it's It's not my favorite. Um I would like to just skip that. Generally um and then like setting goals and deadlines ah for yourself and that for.

14:37.51 Krispy Yeah.

14:39.62 Chesca Hundred percent

14:43.51 Krispy A.



For me and if you don't have the external pressure of like comics being a full time job or people waiting for updates and stuff. It requires a lot of self- disciplinecipline to meet those goals and deadlines. But if you have self-discipline and that works for you. You can set.

15:04.79 Krispy And he.



Goals say I I want to ah like for me if I wanted to launch and my new comic by the fall which is a very vague deadline. So obviously I could meet it. Um I I would need to have incremental deadlines before that. Um.

15:26.12 Krispy Ah.

15:30.31 Krispy Who.



And then just meeting that and then just evaluate where you're spending your extra time. Um like it. We all get sucked into social media and our phones or devices binge watching Netflix whatever. Find how you can take that extra time and put it towards something productive and what you want to do with it and then really just know your limitations like Cheska said she was posting 3 times a week and that wasn't sustainable so she adapted and found a post frequency that.

15:57.31 Krispy Ah.



Oh hand did I say 3 times a week I meant 3 times every two weeks I don't know if I said it wrong I was like not blind me was I no no oh god no.



Works for her. Um, oh yeah, and probably still still a lot. Ah.



Ah, vacation time.



I'm just making you sound like better than you then you are I'm playing you up right? But ah, um, but yeah, like finding finding some the limitation and knowing that so you can.



I'm very very slow. My style is not good for that.

16:37.35 Krispy Ah.

16:42.61 Krispy A.



Do something that maintains it So you're able to keep a healthy balance and not drown in trying to catch up. Um, now those are my tips do I apply all of them to myself. No, but I'm working on it.

16:52.10 Krispy Now.

17:00.70 Krispy

Hey, well, it's just the effort and trying to and I think that that's what's important as well. Um, and no way you know what is going to be taking priorities with this whole thing I mean obviously family is going to be first right? Um, and then you know life has to come and then you know. We have our jobs or our hobbies with comics and stuff and knowing where it fits in the puzzle. Um I am going to ask you the same question chesca just because I'm so intrigued with how you balance all this um, as far as tips go. Um, how what What do you suggest for maintaining. Ah you know the chaos that is life.



Well more what Miranda said was spot on actually with the ah I haven't done it recently. But when I was one I was doing a lot more comics that was the way I was doing it was having comics at different stages. So I'd be working on a few at a time and so I had quiet time I could script.

17:52.61 Krispy And he.



I can do the I can do the scripting and the roughs I have to be completely silent because I'm kind of acting them out a little bit as I'm drawing them. Um, and then once I'm past that stage Run I'm onto inking and coloring I can yeah there can be chaos going around me so I can do that you know when the kids are about and Stuff. Um. 1 of the huge things that helped me was getting moving from I used to have a Whackham cintique and a move to an ipad pro and I love it is and so now I can just draw anywhere I have to be in my office I can just and that was I don't I wouldn't have.

18:20.67 Krispy Oh.



And don't think I could have kept going through quarantine like the twenty twenty quarantine without that thing because I was just spent most of that just sitting in the dining room. The dining room table drawing covics with the kids like running around me driving me crazy. That's so.

18:30.61 Krispy And who.



And such a great visual.

18:42.54 Krispy Ah, yeah.



Ah, so yeah, that was ah that's a real game changer and I ah just love the drawing on the ipad pro even more than the cyntique I just find it very real and I'm I'm not like an Apple girl gall normally but yes that thing's amazing. Um, what else so is good.

19:03.18 Krispy

In here.



And social media is a big one like you're saying with kind of you got to recognize you got to look for your where the time vampire is and try to like not not fall into its traps. Um, so yeah I you know I love social media twitter is fun and um, but I have to. Realize when it's and it's not just it's not just when you're on it necessarily that's take up the time. It's like when you're off it as well because if you're on it too much I'll sort of be in the shower and I'll get out and I realized I've just spent the whole time having a pretend conversation with someone on Twitter and I'm like this is pointless I could have.

19:35.90 Krispy Yeah.



Thought up a new comic. This is a waste of my brain space. You know, um I have to watch myself when I'm working because I'll I'll find out I'll get stuck to drawing something and then I'll be like oh and I'll pick up my phone.

19:44.81 Krispy Mm.

19:55.17 Chesca

And it's like what am I doing like the answer is not there I got to figure out the drawing. so yeah so I've got a um I use this thing app blocker on my phone. It's on Chrome now as well which I discovered like last week and I love it.

19:57.81 Krispy Yes.



And it you can set it to just kick you out of like certain sites or apps during certain times and so I'll do that and I'll be on my phone in the morning and then suddenly but I'm back now your blocks. Okay I got to go with stuff but it's at it like if you try and open the apps when it's. And doing blocking it will like it will shame. You. It will yeah hit the screen. You've write how and' tell you how many times you've opened it and like lifetime and today and you're like oh my god so ah, things great. Ah, really, very good. Saved a lot time.

20:28.35 Krispy Oh.

20:36.20 Miranda Oh ah.

20:43.58 Krispy A.



Um, I Also do a thing where on my phone like I I try to hide where my social icons are on my phone so it's hard to find but then I'll then I'll get really good at finding them like my muscle memory will pick up where they are. So then I have to move around again. Um, just.



Oh my God but.



Ah, yeah, ah so ah.



And anything you can do which will give make you stop and be like do I Really want to do this right now like because it's so impulsive to just pick out your phone. It's it's crazy. Um, yeah.

21:09.62 Krispy With a.



Yeah, the muscle memory is real of like just picking up your phone and you tap and tap and suddenly Instagram's open and you you didn't even go on your phone for Instagram.



Yeah, know and and you're in and you know sometimes I'll be like okay I'm gonna I've got to go and look of a message that I know I've got from someone I got a reply to and then ah 10 minutes later I I do it? What was I doing i't anyone looked at them as it that's awful.

21:26.53 Krispy Yep.



Yes, oh my God I always say I answered you in my head when I read it and then I kept doing something. Ah, ah, ah.

21:36.19 Miranda Yes.

21:46.91 Chesca

Ah, yeah, totally.



I Really enjoyed that you said that you'd use like the on the go kind of um tablet for drawing as far as like the ipad is concerned I've hear I've forheed I've heard a lot of folks being like yeah the switch to being mobile on the ipad or whatever tablet has. Absolutely help with the process so something really really to consider because you know I find that you know when I sit at a computer.. It's just like that's what this time is for um and sometimes when you're at a computer you have access to too many things and I'm just like oh I'm gonna get distracted but I feel like

you know I mean. Ipad and other things do have apps and stuff and we do have that nice little app block kind of thing to prevent it. But I don't know I feel like when it it feels like that size and it is the tablet I feel more focused to to do the work and stuff like that. So. Reframing things or having a situation where you're like now this is this is the art time when I have this item kind of thing. Oh perfect.



Yeah I haven't I haven't installed any social media apps on my ipad as well. So There's no like I think I've turned turn off all it notifications as Well. Like I. Started doing that a while ago like nothing notifies me unless it's like I think you can turn on sort of urgent emails or like give a message from someone who you might actually care about is coming through or something but nothing else I don't have any other notifications so that helps and yeah ipads just just drawing stuff on there So I can just kind of.

23:12.58 Krispy Me.



I phone away for a bit her. So yeah that that helps.



Yeah. Yeah I yeah, it's it's just like you do have to develop like these tools to do that especially being a parent like not only having like you know these obligations for the jobs and stuff like that. But like being a parent on top of it and you know Miranda.



It's really smart. So.



Ah, said you know what? a great visual. It was to have you working on the ipad in the dining room and having the kids running around. Ah so I do obviously have to go into this Asking. You know how when when it comes to to being a parent.. How do you balance exactly like you know. Okay, it's it's happening Time. It's parent time things have to drop like how do we get into that. How are we balancing that exactly.

24:08.69 Chesca

I mean sometimes I really realized that during quarantine that sometimes I do just have to put my comics first like the kids are running around and you know it's always like family first. But sometimes they're fine. You know, just.

24:21.27 Krispy Yes.



They need to just go get on with something without mummy doing it for them. So it was it was quite freeing during quarantine so I was like I need to work and they're here so I need to sometimes just go no go away go outside and play.

24:34.46 Krispy Yes.



And it was It was very I you know got work done and it was great for them too because they actually did go outside and play and bonded a bit more because there wasn't mummy in the middle kind of you know, managing their their conversation. It was ah it was pretty glorious. So I felt good easiest than done of course. But.

24:49.40 Krispy Okay.



Yeah, that's a and nice sometimes you do just you do just have to go no work first work this is worktime. Go do something else. You're a kid you could figure it out.

25:02.64 Krispy M.



Yeah, when they have like that mindset of being like okay it's independent time you guys can play and entertain yourselves and stuff like that and I know it's a little different from Miranda right now being in the six months moment where mummy is really needed. Ah.

25:17.80 Chesca Yeah.

25:22.91 Miranda Yeah, yeah.

25:25.80 Chesca Ah.



But like chessca said earlier, you're going to get to a point where it's just like okay like you know routine is developed baby's going to start sleeping. Ah you know, baby turns kid it's going to It's going to find like you know that the life is going to to fit these places I think when you have that mindset and you know that. Um, kind of that that that gumption to be like all right like you know how do we make this work Basically you know how? how do I actually get stuff done and you know maybe it is an ipad maybe it is to be like okay kids let's go go play. I need some brain space for myself or getting an app blocker. So I think it's it's really it's it's good to have for that. Um I did want to ask Cheska like you know doing all this is a lot of work. Um I will say because creative. Um. Spaces and headspaces and stuff like that can be extremely draining on top of being a parent. Um, do you ever get burnout doing this stuff.



Oh yeah, I'm got a bit of a writer's block at the moment. Actually I've got a look on my plate with trying to sort out a ah the animation kickstarter and it's all this all is all go at the moment. So yeah, it's hard to be creative right now often when I get really burnt out That's when I clean the hair.

26:46.40 Krispy Yeah.



Can't get caught out for cleaning the house I'm like you know what the house is terrible and it feels mentally better because I've let the house slide with working so it's quite catharic to then turn around go. Okay I'm going to clean up the house and then it kind of cleans up your brain a little bit I guess so yeah, that's sort of where I go I'm like okay.


Krispy Yes.

26:59.75 Krispy Who.



Yeah, know cleaning whirlwind occurring I pull everything out all the cupboards and like oh all this stuff I don't use anymore and sort it all out and it's just yeah submit mental and that kind of and then and then I get fed up with doing that and then I want to work again.



Yeah, yeah, I Actually really enjoy that. It's definitely something I connected to as far as cleaning and I know I am always getting poked at like by my friends or family. It is like oh my God Crispy you're always cleaning but I'm just like I feel like it represents like a physical mind space.

27:35.24 Chesca And.



And I'm like I can't you know if I'm having like a a time where I can't focus on stuff I will clean up an area or room or whatever the house. The entirety. Let's just go um and it does it helps me reorganize my thoughts and be like okay focus time like you know, let's get over this hurdle and stuff like that. Ah I mean I don't have. The extra kids in there for that. But I Definitely agree. That's that's something that helps me ah very ah demanding Husky. Oh.

27:55.87 Chesca Since this.



And you have una. She's basically a kid. Yeah.



That's a lot of fur isn't it those things.



Yeah I mean she doesn't she sheds weird. It's simply clumps. It's weird. Ah yes, actually I can make a whole dog out of ah ah Miranda have you ever.



Oh wow it ends needle felting. Ah.

28:20.74 Miranda Ah.



Like ah, an extreme burnout with the stuff too like having like a work life balance and and being like okay how do I get back into it. Where's the how do I get back into the game kind of thing. Oh.



I am at that right now I'm still trying to figure out how to get back to it especially at being sleep deprived because like I'm a night owl I like being up till ridiculous hours of the night

28:49.90 Krispy Um.



I'm like going to bed at 8 because I'm so tired. it's it's terrible but yeah being in burnout I I agree like cleaning is it. It also in addition to all the things you said it's also like.

28:56.87 Krispy He.



Kind of a mindless activity like you spray the spray you wipe it down you move to the next thing or you like you You don't have to really think too much while you're doing it so it is a great time to kind of ponder other things like I've been doing a lot of ah thinking about.

29:30.80 Krispy




My next comic story and like building it in my head I haven't had time to like sit down and script anything. Um, but that that's how I feel like I'm starting to reach the end of the burnout and like wanting to be back is because I'm constantly thinking about.

29:42.97 Krispy Ok.



My comic story and what I want to do with it and like getting that desire to draw I Just like need to get my body on like on board with my brain because my brain seems to be there. My body is just like I just want to sleep like I don't want to do anything So um, gotta get out of that and.

29:59.00 Krispy

I mean.



Ah I I I love that Chessca's comic like you involve your family life into it because it's like I didn't expect this becoming a parent like it is all consuming like it's it's.

30:25.97 Krispy Me.



Your new personality especially early in the beginning. Um it. It'll probably balance itself out down the line. But right now it's like I'm a mom that's all I want to do. That's all I can think of and finding a way to ah, kind of harness that and. Bring it into your your work like can unify things a lot and kind of help it seem more like 1 piece instead of I have this life and I have this life if that makes sense. Um.

30:59.49 Chesca And yeah.


Krispy Um.



So I'm working on doing all of that and yes my six month old is not very independent. He is but he gets a pass right now but he he's learned to sit up on his own and it's like like there's so much freedom that comes from just that is I can just like set him up and.

31:08.58 Krispy Yeah, a all.



Business census.

31:14.66 Chesca A.

31:18.70 Krispy Yeah.



Move away and it's fine and he just sits there and plays with his toys. So one day he'll be able to run around and I can shoo him outside and it'll it'll be even more free time and independent. But um, yeah I'm.



Some something.



I'm working to dig myself out of burnout right now we should probably like do an episode on that or something. Ah.

31:43.51 Chesca

Yeah I her her I don't know how you don't know how you do it right now I mean I started the comic when what's it I my oldest I couldn't bow old they were now but I certainly wasn't doing much of anything when they were six months old so



Oh a hundred percent that is definitely coming. It's such a big thing.



So a kudos to you for even feeling the feeling the urge because my goodness. Yeah the hormones don't help either like because definitely oh my God like I have I know this I know it's hormones because I'll be going along fine.

32:02.77 Miranda Um, yeah.

32:05.56 Krispy Yeah.



Yeah, it's It's been a wild ride. Oh my gosh. No.



And I'll be like being creative and then suddenly like the bottom just falls out of my world and I'm like everything's the rose. So these corics I've writing you're terrible and I hate these scripts so that I'll be like that for like 2 or 3 days and I'm fine again I'm like oh these are fine.

32:26.71 Krispy No.



And actually I don't know what my problem was I'm like hang on. Sorry yeah, that is a additional hurdle. We have face.

32:38.84 Krispy But.



Yeah, ah yes, yes.

32:48.16 Miranda Yeah, ah, ah.



You know and I think it's interesting because like the itch is always going to be there with creating and wanting to be like active with that like whether we make like the exact time or whatever to create I think you know is that that's that's going to be like you know the battle that we have when our lives. Have um, such you know, big big needs in them I'll say with that. But like you know it is it is incredible to do ah the things that you do on the schedule that you have with the obligations that are present in your life. Um. And you know hearing that you know you're still really really into doing the comic and stuff like that while having a six month year old Miranda that's huge. That's that's a big thing I know many people who've had you know their kids being like ah going to take like a year off 2 years off which is great honestly. Do it do the thing that works best for you adapt for what works best for you? Um I think is the biggest thing but also don't feel bad if you're not at a certain part like don't feel bad that you're like oh six months I'm not in the game like I think that's impressive a year I'm not in the game. Oh no, like no. There's sort a lot going on and I think it's important to take care of. You know what's going on up in the head first and then the family and stuff like that so that you can get into it because I mean as we all know as comic creators. It's demanding. Oh my.

34:21.47 Chesca And.



Goodness I could not imagine Um, but I do want to ask both of you. What are things that you do in the downtime like how do you relax around all of this. What are some strategies that we have for just being like all right.

34:23.14 Miranda Ah.



Do we have to do comics now. Do we have to do this like how do you unwind with all of this.



I'm still working on that one I'm not great at that. No I used to say game more but I don't know it always feels a bit naughty now like if I made a game like I should be like drawing something or.



Yeah, you and me both.

34:51.51 Krispy Oh.



I Don't know you know I'm leveling in a game I should be leveling in my drawing instead but it helps when kids start paying a bit more attention to this stuff so you can watch a movie with you know we played um ah stray that game with the the cat and I played that with the kids and that was found like.

34:59.69 Krispy Yes.

35:11.35 Krispy Ah.



I' such a great game and.



Ah, you know normally I probably wouldn't make time with it but because the kids were interested I like ok Cool. We could do this together. This is great and you know the um, the old one would do the sort of you know the wandering round bits and I do when the monsters came Out. We'd be like oh take over. And so that was that was Fantastic. It was funny too because normally it goes normally that's resident evil with me and my husband where I'm I'm like doing the puzzles and then the zombies guy take Away. So I I felt very yeah I felt very brave being the ah being the yeah I got this with the cat.


Miranda Oh yeah.

35:37.84 Krispy Um, yeah.



That seems a good balance. Good teamwork.

35:43.50 Krispy

Yeah, Yeah. I.



Yeah, it help if can rope that you know sort of rope them into it somehow because then I feel ah it feels more like oh this is saying I should be doing instead of like naughty selfish betime and now I'm still working I know that's not a a healthy way of thinking things. So ah, you know I play world of Warcraft.

35:56.34 Krispy Who.

35:58.82 Miranda Yeah, yeah.



Fallen off a wagon of that a bit lately too. But and the next expansion. Ah I'll probably get back into it for a bit That's a.



That's what I tell myself every time but I definitely understand that because like my my unwinding is usually binging Netflix or like having Netflix on or something in the background and.

36:19.73 Krispy

A ah.



There's all this like drama of oh you can't have your baby have too much screen time. So I have I've like cut out so much tv from my life and it's very weird and. Um, like sometimes it's just like yeah I need to watch something I need to just chill. He can do his thing. It's fine like he's not He's not going to be wrecked by an hour of me just watching a show while he's sitting there with me. Um.

36:52.55 Krispy A.

36:59.20 Krispy M.

36:59.20 Chesca Move.



And like he he's not very independent right now. So the free time I get are there. It's not consistent like it's not I get an hour of extra time every time he's playing or whatever. Um, so having things that I can like easily pick up and put down.

37:16.67 Chesca So yeah.

37:21.13 Krispy Me.



Um, have been how I relax um like I picked up crocheting. Um, so it's something that like I can I can do a couple rows of that and then oh he's he needs me again. Okay I set that down and it's um I need to start like.

37:28.85 Krispy Oh.

37:29.39 Chesca Nice.



Getting comics into that to where like oh I can thumbnail this page real quick because that's like I know I can have that much time. Um or just just finding things I can do increment in small segments. Um or how I have to plan things.

37:48.82 Krispy M.



Um, like showering. It's like oh like a shower will make me feel good. It'll make me relax and set me up for the next moment or the rest of the day or whatever. So That's what I'm going to go do during this time to relax and like again, just. Prioritizing. But yeah, it's oh yeah.



It's hard when you got to work around the naps I remember that that's so rough like you got to. It's really like I'm not gonna do this. But if I do this then this happens and if they do this then oh it is like sort of huge.

38:32.25 Miranda Yeah.



Sort of Matt Tree map that goes out of all your plans. Let's just say oh my god I'm go yeah, my first was not a ah independent have 80 he still isn. He's the the second came along and it was like oh this is the.

38:36.88 Miranda

Yes, yes yeah.

38:39.91 Krispy


38:48.49 Miranda Um, yeah.



Kind of kid that though most people have but the older one was has always been ah challenging. So ah yeah, you know you'd have this sort of mum saying oh we just give him some like pots and pans and they'll sit there for an hour like clanging on them. It's like no he' just be like ah.

38:54.20 Krispy Ah, yeah.

38:55.57 Miranda Yeah, love.



Yeah, yeah, ah yeah, it's and it it Also it like it doesn't help that you want to interact with them like it's It's really hard to leave them to just.



Where are you going.



Yeah, but you're not here. Ah.

39:21.67 Krispy Within.

39:24.64 Chesca Um.

39:26.91 Miranda

Do their own thing like even though you know you should because that's how they become independent. You're like I just want to sit and play with you because I can do that right now. But you're like he's getting better just like quietly sitting and my not not quietly, he loves to yell. Um.

39:32.72 Chesca So.



But like sitting and playing with his own toys and stuff and I I think um, finding finding things that I can do next to him prolong his independent time because he'll like look over and I'm there and he'll he can go back to what he was doing.

39:56.92 Krispy M.



Um, so the ipad like I I needed pull that out because I can sit on the floor and draw with him instead of sitting at a desk. So yeah, the portability is definitely going to be embraced as I get back into things.

40:09.20 Chesca Um, yeah.



Having access to those tools definitely help um with the creative process and stuff like that I definitely want to say like you know I want to give both of you guys a ah vacation with stuff you know finding. Ah, some kind of balance with unwinding and you know, ah, how old is your oldest cheska Nine nine



Ah, 9 9 and 7 now has so the younger one always surprises people because he's still baby in the comics 7 people like 7 What.



Oh yeah I would have guessed. Yeah.



But being at it for so Long. You know I Definitely encourage you know, um I understand that the naughtiness and being like you know if I I was doing this in a game. I should be doing that and having lay obligation to that. Especially you know when comics are an obligation but you know if anything I can impart having that. Ah you know that solidarity of being you should just randomly pick up.

41:21.95 Chesca This is.



World of Warcraft and have it on a day that you want to and just you know you've you've done your time you've had this and you deserve it kind of thing I think that's important ah to work life balances to also have that fun for you. That's not creating as much as we love doing comics. I think it's good to be just like you know this is my time this is my time I'm going to be very silly. Ah and I'm not going to feel bad being silly on this time that I have um I know that I I still struggle with that and you know I have I have a one day specifically set.

41:50.20 Chesca That.



For me playing games where I'm just like I'm not allowed to pick up ah the pen and do this because I definitely admit I have a lot of unhealthy schedules doing comics. Um, but I do at least have the be like okay. Have one day where I'm just like no comics and if you have time to play games. It's it's the game day here. Um sort of thing.



This makes me want to go pick up Wow again which is not the not the moral of this episode. Ah.

42:31.86 Chesca

I Tried your um.

42:39.30 Krispy Ah.



It's quite fun when it's a good one when you got a little kid like you doing sort of I have very fond memories of we were trying to do an achievement me and my husband trying to do achievement in wow trying to beat Lich King but like doing it in a certain way and then like you it was a middle night and like baby woke up. But.

42:49.51 Krispy

Oh my god.



Okay, we're doing this that I just brought him out and I think I had him in the little bouncy chair and I was like bouncing in with my foot and we're like car we can do this we did yes.



How Genius is like a built in cheerleader he they they are. They do also have the um added benefit of being good luck charms I find like if I'm holding him while we're playing a board game or a video game or something I do way better.

43:13.10 Krispy A.



So that's like may I probably should pull out Wow and just make that our think.

43:26.60 Chesca Sufficient.



Ah I love this visual. That's so cute with the Lich King and everything. Ah, ah we did it as a family. Ah.



Ah, it felt so good. It felt like yeah so we did it.



Yeah, family time.

43:45.47 Chesca

Ah, specific.



I Think that's important I Love that I think that's so good. Ah maybe the moral. The story is to pick up Wow at the end of the day. Ah yeah.



This episode sponsored by Activision.



Um, ah with Activision if you're listening.



Ah, or is it send money so something.

44:11.10 Krispy

Ah, oh God is.



We'll see a new rise in Wow Subscriptions Correspond with this episode release.



Ah, oh God All right I going to go hit Pause. We So this has been absolutely Awesome. There is a lot of good. Um, nuggets of information here and I'm definitely reflecting on a lot of things to balance my habits with you know the comics that I do but I did want to ask both of you. You know as this episode slowly wraps up. Um, what are or what is something that you would like to just kind of.

44:38.75 Chesca So just.



Really have the listener reflect on or some ah piece of information or or inspiration. Um that you'd really like to be like yeah I'd like to impart this on you or really reflect on this.



Um, probably what I'd recommend I did it once? Well I do it occasionally is um if you're on social media a lot to just take a week and be like I'm either not going to be on it this week or just I know restrict yourself to like a little bit in the evening or something and.

45:18.19 Krispy Um, oh.



Just try to remember what it feels like to not because I feel like social media is like it shakes up our minds like the snow globe and it just keeps all the like pieces all the snow you know moving around and if you just put it down for a bit and you let the snow settle. It's surprising.

45:30.99 Krispy

Is he.



How your brain feels and it's and once you know how your brain can for you like can feel off it. You want to do it less which is helpful. So.



Yeah, yeah, I Really like that especially with the change and the shift so with social media now. Um I think that's extremely important to kind of figure out where do we want to put our energy with all that.



Really enjoy that.



Yeah, um I like I think what I want to like thing is ah it's okay to feel burned out and it's okay to not be.

46:20.52 Krispy Um.



Actively making comics or whatever it is that you haven't been doing if it's not like if you can't fit it in your life right now I I think ah, a lot of things especially being a parent require adjustment and time and you can't force everything to fit. Into this neat little ball altogether when you get this huge new chunk adding to it. It's going to take time for things to mold and shape and find that balance again. So It's okay, if you don't have balance right now for all the things you want to do.

46:43.62 Krispy Yeah.

47:01.82 Krispy Um.



It will if you want it I think it will come even if it takes a little bit of time to get there.



Yeah, and I often think about you know when we kind of look at our peers and feel like we need to be where they are um and reflect on that a lot and I think that you know Cheska makes a really great point about. Maybe just being off of social media for a little bit take that week off um so you're kind of you know you're not in that mindset. You're like oh yeah, this is what it feels like to just create when I have the space for it create when I have the time for it and like you know. As we've learned in this episode life is very unpredictable so you know we can't plan for everything we can't you know coordinate with every single step on the way and you know Miranda makes a beautiful point of the fact that that's totally okay, you don't need to be creating the comic. You can.

47:47.19 Miranda Withha.



Be silly. You can take that time off and you can play Wow I'm going to say that. Ah.



Yes, yes, you can. Ah.



ah ah I think with that I am going to be ah wrapping this episode out I have been your host crispy and you can find my work at and



I am Miranda and you can find my work at mirandacakes dot art and.



I'm chess galles and you can find well just look for lidder box comics everywhere everywhere look for the cat toilet and you'll find me. But yeah I've got a book and so yeah I got a book parenting is weird tales from the lidder box and I'm also just studying a kickstarter for an animated.

48:43.21 Miranda They're great.



Pilot for the Tv show. So yeah, go and sign up to that as well. But you can find all that on my ah socials.



That's going to be create.



Heck yes, and thank you so much for being with us. Oh my gosh Absolutely honored.



Yes, thank you. It's been a pleasure having you? Oh thank you? Thank you? Ah, thank you? Ah, and.



That's been great and it does get better. I promise it gets better. I Just want to reach through the microphone and give you a hug. It's all right. I remember being there. Oh my goodness.

49:13.69 Krispy Ah.



Yeah, it reaIly helps someone once they're smiling both smiling is like oh god.



At least they're cute and they're worth it. But it's hard right now. Oh my gosh the smiles they melt me.

49:21.46 Krispy

If if if.

49:30.75 Krispy Ah.

Season 3, Miranda, Krispy, Chesca, special guest, guest host
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