Screen Tones Podcast

Webcomic Outlines

31 May, 2023 12:00 AM

So, you’ve got a cool idea for a comic. You have some characters, maybe some fun designs, maybe some great worldbuilding, and a few cool ideas for scenes that you can’t wait to share with potential readers. But how do you put it all together? What does that process look like? This stage is an amorphous blob that fits whatever shape is needed by the creator, and can look like many different things, so we’re here to talk about it!

More timestamps since a lot of this episode is personal experience based.

2:16 Do you outline your comic? What does your process of doing that look like?

Our processes range from not outlining at all to starting with a vague collection of story thoughts, characters and tumbling it all around until it comes into a good order that can be built upon and filled out more.

Tools used range from paper or notecards to applications like Trello.

21:01 How do you decide when a scene needs to be cut, or added, or moved around? Walk us through the logic process!

A big part of this is asking yourself questions. Some examples:

  • Does the scene advance the plot?
  • Does it relate to the themes you’re wanting to convey?
  • Is it going to be enjoyable for the creator and the reader?
  • Take the time to reread your work so you can better notice and understand how upcoming scenes will or will not fit with the story so far.

37:45 What are some of the pitfalls and challenges involved with the outlining process?

It can be stressful and you can get stuck in the weeds. Remember it’s okay to “take the scissors to it” and that the outline in general is a loose structure that CAN CHANGE!

Most importantly, do what works best for you!


Episode Release Date: May 31, 2023

Episode Credits

Kristen Lee (@feathernotes) - she/they,

Renie Jesanis (@renieplayerone) - she/they,

Christina Major (@delphina2k) - she/her,

Ally Rom Colthoff (@varethane) - she/they,


The Intro "DO IT (feat. Shia LaBeouf)", and the Outro "It's Good To See You Again!!", both by Adrianwave, have been used and modified in good faith under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Licensed. Edits include: Fade IN/OUT, and a repeat added to the beginning of "It's Good To See You Again!!". For more information on this creative commons use, please reference
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